Teaching in Blended Learning Classrooms (T2)
Ended May 1, 2017
Full course description
Second course in the teacher series, that will examine national standards and expectations for online and blended learning teachers. Hear from practitioners in the field.
This course applies educational research, theory, and best practices to help teachers create a quality blended learning classroom. If you are looking for ways to engage learners in an online or blended classroom, this course is for you. Participants will become familiar with the skills and expectations for deploying a quality online or blended classroom.
Topics include:
- iNACOL National Standards of Quality and Blended Teacher Competencies
- Instructional practice and strategies needed in the blended classroom
- Locating online content and what is needed to create it
- Elements of quality blended classrooms - accommodations, communication, collaboration, assessment, and data analysis
- How blended learning changes teacher evaluation expectations
Duration: 15-20 hours
Time Frame: 4 weeks (suggested)
Audience: K-12 teachers
Course Format: Facilitated Course
Facilitated Courses (FC) have an instructor to guide the learning experience during the first 30 days. Course will have:
- Calendar with assigned due dates
- Reflective journaling, Web 2.0 projects, and group discussions
- Fully graded projects and quality feedback from course instructor
- Instructor announcements to help support the online classroom
- Certificate of completion upon meeting requirements within the calendar
Participants will have access to the course an additional 60 days after facilitation period.
Learning Modules: This course is divided into four learning modules which contain lessons, discussions, check for understanding interactives, projects, and assessments. Estimated times for each module are provided below. Four weeks is suggested to complete the course.
Module 1 –Teachers, Students, and Online Content
Time: Approximately 5 hours
- Analyze how blended learning changes the role and expectations of the student and teacher.
- Evaluate the iNACOL Blended Teacher Competencies.
- Identify where to locate online content and what is needed to create it.
Module 2 – Planning for Digital Learning
Time: Approximately 4 hours
- Examine iNACOL Standards for Quality Online Teaching.
- Begin to utilize the Blended Teacher Rubric to evaluate the expectations of the blended teacher.
- Reflect upon classroom instructional practice and strategies needed in blended classroom instruction.
- Outline a personal learning plan for adopting and becoming a high quality online or blended teacher.
Module 3 – Deploying Digital Learning Environments
Time: Approximately 3 hours
- Consider risks you are willing to take to bring innovation to your classroom.
- Examine iNACOL Standards for Quality Online Teaching.
- Analyze how to implement elements of quality blended classrooms - accommodations, communication, collaboration, assessment, and data analysis.
Module 4 – Beyond the Blended Classroom
Time: Approximately 4 hours
- Investigate collaborative opportunities within and outside your school.
- Analyze teacher expectation for technology in the blended classroom.
- Differentiate between the various blended teacher expectation documents:
- iNACOL Standards for Quality Online Teachers,
- Blended Teacher Competencies, and
- Blended Learning Rubric.
- Examine how blended learning changes evaluation expectations.
- Reflect on your 'next steps' for becoming an online/blended teacher.